Reading Levels
Students will become more critical readers with AMME. Students with poor reading ability can truly benefit from AMME’s “interactive” reading.
Often students who are in your “lower” math classes lack the ability to read well. We feel that it is our responsibility to help these students become better readers, so AMME materials contain three key components which help students learn to become more critical readers.
- We use what we call “interactive” reading. The writing is broken down into small chunks and students are often asked to fill in blanks or answer questions to test their comprehension of each part. The following is an excerpt from unit 1.
- We often use checklists. Students are asked to check off when they have completed a step. It really helps them to keep organized and teaches them how to follow directions. Below is clip from an activity in which students are matting a photo for framing.
- Finally, we have an entire unit on what we call the “Label Method.” If you took science classes perhaps you called it “dimensional analysis.” We have broken down the “Label Method” into four simple steps which allows the poorest readers to become mathematical problem solvers.
Teachers of students with learning disabilities rave about the “Label Method” because it gives their students a method to attack a problem by looking for critical words in the problem.
See for yourself.
• Download AMME’s Program Highlights (5.7MB PDF)