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Just what is AMME and who developed it?
AMME (pronounced “aim”) was created by three Wisconsin high school teachers who first wrote math materials for their own students in the early-1990s. After discovering how successful these materials were in reaching their struggling math students, the authors formed AMME Inc. in 1995 to benefit other teachers and students.
Now hundreds of schools across the nation are using AMME’s materials. The authors still continue to improve and update the materials. Their main goal is to make these materials available for other teachers who wish to give every student the opportunity to be successful and reach state and national math standards.
What do we mean by “Applied Math”?
Many students are not successful in a traditional Pre-Algebra or Algebra class or are unable to remember any of the math from one year to the next. We teach these same Pre-Algebra and Algebra concepts in a way that creates experiences for these students so that they can better remember what they have learned. It is a more hands-on and visual approach to teaching math standards than a traditional math course. The main idea is to reach students through their diverse learning styles and therefore aid retention of math concepts taught.
How does AMME’s two-year program fit into my school?
AMME prides itself in helping the lower 50% of students reach state math standards. Students having problems realizing the value of mathematics are great candidates. At-risk students can also get turned on by AMME’s visual, hands-on math. Most colleges accept AMME Courses I and II as a substitute for Pre-Algebra and Algebra I keeping college as an option for these students as they have more success learning math.
What skills must they have to succeed in the 21st Century world?
Before we wrote the AMME curriculum, we contacted businesses ranging in size from a few workers to thousands and asked them what math skills they required in their workers. To our surprise, they rarely gave specific skills, but they universally agreed on these three skills a good employee must possess:
- Problem solving skills
- Communication skills
- The ability to work as part of a team.
These areas, that AMME built their foundation from, are now understood to be key 21st Century Skills that all teachers should move toward in all disciplines of teaching.
How about students with disabilities?
Many schools who are currently using our AMME materials praise our program for use with many of their students with learning disabilities. One feature that is often spoken of is AMME’s attempt to make “critical readers” out of our students. The AMME program teaches students how to select and use information properly when reading math problems.
Additionally, with the movement to electronic text books, students who have disabilities are cheated out of having a piece of paper to highlight, write on, or draw on. They need to have a physical sheet to work on.
How is AMME different from other programs for low-achievers?
Teachers can easily follow the detailed daily lesson plans. Also there is only one “textbook” in the room and each teacher is given the power to edit it for their students. Teachers copy handouts and students put them in their 3-ring binders. It allows you to more easily adapt the course to the specific needs of your students. If students are learning from home, handouts can be printed off at home for that purpose.
What are some advantages of having a set of reproducible masters rather than a textbook?
Our course is unique in that all materials in each binder are also contained on thumb (flash) drives! This gives teachers the power to adapt the materials to the needs of their students. Every year the materials will be better than the year before.
This makes AMME a one-time purchase! Your district will never buy applied math texts again, even if there is an increase in enrollment.
Is the course expensive?
This is a one-time purchase and your district will never buy expensive textbooks again! For the cost of approximately one classroom of traditional texts, you can purchase the course for an unlimited amount of students forever. Handouts & labs can be copied freely for as many classes as you have. Because you can edit each handout, every year your students will use “texts” which are better than the year before.
Is funding available?
Since many students who fit well into AMME’s curriculum are school-to work or technical college candidates, funding may be available. Check with your School-to-Work or Tech-Prep coordinator. Many districts have used CESA funds or other state funds to buy our course.
What schools have already purchased AMME’s materials?
AMME’s materials are now being taught in over 35 states in the USA. In Wisconsin, where AMME is headquarted and where people know us best, one in every five high schools are using AMME’s materials to help their low-achieving math students reach math standards. Feel free to contact us for a list of schools that are using AMME in your area.
Would AMME materials work for homeschool students?
Over the years that AMME, Inc. has been in existence, we have had many homeschool parents contact us for support in teaching their children/students. AMME’s mission has always been to assist as many students as possible, so we always try to help out. AMME, Inc. even heard back from an Iowa State graduate on how she enjoyed learning from out materials in preparation for college while her mom homeschooled her.