Learning Styles
Think about this:
A person asks you what you do for a living, and you respond, “I’m a math teacher.”
What is the reaction you most often get?
-The one we hear most often is…
“Oh, I was never good at math.”
That response often caught us off guard because we view these people as successful, intelligent people. Why do they feel they aren’t good at math?
It has now become clear to us that these intelligent people struggled in math only because of the way they learn. We’re sure you have seen many students who did very well in Algebra, but struggled in Geometry and also the other way around. It has to do with learning styles.
We’ve learned that 75% of all “reluctant learners” are hands-on, kinesthetic learners. AMME Applied Math gives you the power to reach those students.
At the beginning of each school year, many of the students we start with are “very reluctant learners.” Yet we know that with AMME’s help, around the end of the first semester, our students start to understand that they, too, can learn math and are intelligent. During the next semester that growth is accelerated, and in the second year, these students often out-perform traditionally tracked students in problem-solving and communicating.
AMME uses visuals and hands-on learning so that you can reach more of your students. We give you the tools and techniques to reach many students whom you may not have been able to while using only a traditional curriculum.
See for yourself.
• Download AMME’s Program Highlights (5.7MB PDF)