Program Cost

Never buy applied math textbooks again!

For about the price of only one classroom set of textbooks, your district can purchase a site-license for AMME applied math materials. Check with your School-to-Work or Tech-Prep coordinator, many districts find funding is available.


Includes binders of hardcopy masters and answer keys for Units 1-10 and a set of computer disks containing the complete course.

First site $2,179
Additional district sites $1,579
(Each site receives all course materials)


Includes binders of hardcopy masters and answer keys of Units 11-20 and a set of computer disks containing the complete course.

First site $2,179
Additional district sites $1,579
(Each site receives all course materials)

We are offering our Unit 21, “Double or Nothing”


with the purchase of BOTH courses! A $379 Value!

  • High schools of 215 or less students qualify for our special first site price of $1,579.
  • Additional teacher sets of course materials @ $479
  • Shipping and Handling: $60 per course (Rush shipping add $20)
  • We update almost yearly and want our customers to be using our newest materials. So once you have purchased, you can update to a complete set of new materials for only $479 per course plus S & H. You may update as often as you choose.
  • Thumb (flash) drive containing Word files for use with Mac or PC computers.

All materials may be edited and saved to a local drive.

To order or request a free sample, call:


Brain research supports AMME’s hands-on approach. Applying math helps students to retain what they have been taught by storing these concepts in their long-term memory.