AMME Highlights & Features

Our real-life applications will answer students’ famous question, “When am I ever going to use this?”

It isn’t too hard to answer that question when a geometry student asks, but it is much more of a challenge to supply an “acceptable” answer to an algebra or pre-algebra student.

In all the years these authors taught AMME’s two courses, that question only came up one time! All the practical, hands-on activities in AMME answer it on a regular basis. Students come to understand and appreciate that what they are learning is preparing them for later life.

AMME’s materials help and encourage teachers to make the transition from traditional, lecture-based courses to hands-on and active classrooms. These real-life applications enhance students’ problem solving skills, encourage them to continue their math education, and help prepare them to reach state and national standards.

Each package includes a thumb (flash) drive containing word-processing files of everything in the binders. That includes all of the tests, quizzes, assignments, activities, lesson plans, and teaching hints. This gives every teacher the power to easily make a second test or adapt any activity or assignment to his or her students and environment.

Detailed daily lesson plans and supply lists are provided to help teachers make positive changes, and the lesson plans can be printed for a substitute teacher to follow.


  • Materials are written by teachers who understand the challenges you face in teaching students in the lower 50%.
  • AMME materials are specifically designed to reach the students who, often due to their learning style, struggle in traditional math courses.
  • All materials are supplied in easy to use binders.
  • A building site license allows all materials to be shared and used as supplements in other math courses.
  • As teachers we know how to find common and inexpensive items for our activities.
  • It is written to meet NCTM standards for both teaching and assessment.
  • Training sessions are offered.
  • AMME materials include thumb (flash) drive with all Word files for both Mac and PC users.

See for yourself.

• Download AMME’s Program Highlights  (5.7MB PDF)

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