Make Your Own Text Edits
Can you imagine the ability to edit your textbook?
This is a one-time district purchase and your textbooks can never become outdated.
For example, if your textbook wrote:
The stock market in 1995 is now at 5000.
You could simply change it to:
The stock market in 2020 is now at 28,624.
You can easily make your textbook more applicable to your school and state. This helps make that math much more interesting and valuable to your students.
The sales tax in Wisconsin is 5%.
You could simply change it to:
The sales tax in (your state) is 7%.
Students really respond when you use math in a way that applies to them.
Elrod and Mitzi went shopping at Copps Foods.
You could simply change it to:
(Your student) and (your student) went shopping at (store name).
A USB drive includes all of the files, so that you can easily make edits to each handout and lab. Simply edit with your word processing software.
See for yourself.
• Download AMME’s Program Highlights (5.7MB PDF)